Revitalise your business with us,
Dare to go digital!

Experience a digital transformation that boosts performance and makes a difference.
Benefit from tailor-made web solutions to stimulate your growth and boost your visibility.
Involve your staff, customers and subcontractors in a unique digital transformation.

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What can I gain from my digital transformation?

image_Digitalising a paper process

Digitising a paper process

Reduce time wasted on administrative tasks, facilitate the process

Elimination of hidden costs, greater profits, fluidity, greater productivity, lower costs

Digitalising my (paper) processes

image_Digitalising a shared excel sheet

Transforming a shared Excel sheet

Structuring information and exchanges, doing away with lost e-mails: data is alive and circulating without getting lost.

For greater comfort and peace of mind, but also greater confidentiality and security.

Digitalising my Excel and Gsheet sheets

image_Loss of productivity

Gaining in productivity

Digitalise, share and collaborate!

Simplify production, speed up change and optimise operations.

Improve profitability, eliminate hidden costs, boost employee satisfaction...

I'm more competitive


Attracting new customers

Create a professional website and guide it to success.

Optimise your time, cultivate serenity and project a professional image.

Gain visibility and credibility

image_Webforms complexes

Complex webforms

Gather the essentials, trigger action! With customised, automated webforms, you can speed up data collection and processing, while minimising errors.

Data quality and operational efficiency.

Get my webform


Redesigning and modernising your website

An ageing website? Do you need to update your offers, image and style?

I'm writing a new page for my company by redesigning my website.

A unique and expert web development agency
for peace of mind

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Website / internet site / showcase site / redesign / modernisation

Exceed your ambitions, express your uniqueness, impress with your website

A dynamic online presence, a growing business: increase your visibility, optimise your customer interaction, and boost your brand image for outstanding sales performance.

Assert your presence, attract attention and stimulate growth. Transform yourself.

To find out more

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Website / internet site / showcase site / redesign / modernisation

Exceed your ambitions, express your uniqueness, impress with your website

A dynamic online presence, a growing business: increase your visibility, optimise your customer interaction, and boost your brand image for outstanding sales performance.

Assert your presence, attract attention and stimulate growth. Transform yourself.

To find out more

Web applications / Web app / WEB FORMS

Collaborate, innovate, maximise profits with the power of digital

Data in motion, business evolving: explore the cutting edge of web development with our collaborative web applications.

Simplify processes, centralise and secure information, optimise communication and accelerate productivity for a more efficient, collaborative working environment.

To find out more

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Sites, portails et plateformes multilingues

Transformez votre présence et portée internationale, incluez chacun dans votre communication multiculturelle

Grâce aux plateformes et portails multilingues, offrez une expérience utilisateur exceptionnelle dans toutes les langues et adaptée à chaque culture.

Nous créons des sites web multilingues, avec traduction automatisée en passant par une traduction précise avec traducteurs et modérateurs de contenu.

Embarquez vos collaborateurs, clients et sous-traitants,

communiquez à l'international dans la langue maternelle de chacun

Sites, portails et plateformes multilingues
Intégration de l'IA native-vid

Intégration de l'IA native

Logiciels d'entreprise intégrant les IA actuelles pour répondre à vos besoins métier

Nous créons des logiciels métier spécifiques à votre métier et calquer sur vos besoins opérationnels en intégrant nativement les IA actuelles.

Vos opérations sont donc boostées grâce aux dernières intelligences artificielles génératives, généralistes ou spécialisées. 

Nous intégrons nativement de nombreuses Intelligences Artificielles en standard mais nous pouvons également en intégrer d'autres ou fine tune un modèle pour votre besoin.

Intégrer l'intelligence artificielle dans mes processus métier

They talk about digitalisation

100% of our customers say that Livinweb
it was easy to digitise

Understand why more than 100 companies, technical directors

web directors, etc. have put their trust in us



What makes us work for your success


Deep listening and understanding

Our team, driven by a natural curiosity, seeks to understand our customers and their businesses in order to create solutions that truly meet your needs.


Commitment and rigour

We are driven by a love of detail and delivering finished, useful work. We do it as if it were for us, with a customer-centric perspective.


Long-term commitment

We are committed to maintaining the solutions we create. We pride ourselves on designing sustainable websites and applications that stand the test of time, and we believe that the project has only just begun when it is delivered.


Humility, insight and sincerity

We are constantly learning and discovering new ways of doing things, while using our insight to create effective and innovative solutions. We can only work in a context of maximum sincerity and transparency.

When you choose us, you are choosing a partner who is dedicated to your success, combining joie de vivre, attentive listening, rigorous work, lasting commitment and constant learning to strive for excellence.

Choose to save your company time, transform your business and take back control of your digital strategy

Choose an effective web development and consultancy agency now.